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Our committees are the backbone and the behind the scenes workforce that keeps the Northwest Miniature Horse Club moving forward and in line with current trends. Our hard working committee members plan and implement shows, clinics, fun events, meetings and social gatherings. Our Sunshine Committee and our Welfare Committee see to the needs of the members and the horses. Our Finance Committee assists the Treasurer in budgeting, revenue, billing, and all aspect of keeping our club financially stable. The Publicity Committee designs ways to advertise our club, through media and merchandise. Our Web Site Committee works hard to keep our site current. Our Youth Committee manages our available scholarships, plans outings, conducts fun events at the shows, and arranges for educational seminars for our youth. The Show Committee creates the class lists, reserves the show venues, plans new shows, coordinates the show coordinators, manages the year end awards, and assists Rinda in making sure our shows run smoothly. Our ByLaws/Rules & Regs Committee develops the regulations that our club follows and is continually updating and refining them. The Therapy & Education Committee is new and wide open to new ideas. Want to WIN MONEY? Our Gelding Incentive Committee coordinates the program that pays back money to our cherished geldings! 

All members are encouraged to join a committee and be a part of the team that makes the Northwest Miniature Horse Club such a huge success. Our club belongs to our members, and without them and their hard work and dedication there would be no shows, no clinics, no youth activities - NO CLUB.

Committes are formed at the Fall Membership Meeting. They begin getting to know one other and setting goals for their committee that are presented at the Winter Membership Meeting. Committee members communicate regularly and easily through messenger, and are able to share ideas, plan social events and make suggestions for new ideas to the Board of Directors and the membership.


Fall Meeting/Banquet & Winter Meeting
Chair - Beth White
Youth Committee
Chair - Jessie Skerjance/Alicia Hannigan,

Publicity Committee

Beth White

Show Committee
Chair - Joanne Ross
ByLaws/Rules & Regs
Chair - Sharon Hardt
Year End Awards Committee
Chair - Katie Hansen
Finance/Audit Committee
Chair -Sharon Hardt, Joanne Ross,
Alternative Activities Committee
Chair Needed
Gelding Incentive Committee
Chair - Katie Hansen
Partnering With ADS Committee
Chair Needed
Sunshine/Welfare Committee
Chair - Sharon Hardt
Chair Needed
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